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June SA Highlights for HSH

21 Jun 2024



Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. 


—William Butler Yeats


At this moment, the campus is filled with the summer's enthusiasm. The aspiring pupils have found their passion and perseverance in the diverse range of campus activities, experiencing the profoundness of academia, appreciating the charm of creativity, uniting in community strength, and strengthening their youthful physique. Come, and review the campus activities in June, and listen to the melodious summer praises!





Academic School Activity


Academic school activities resemble a feast of knowledge, guiding pupils toward a broader horizon of wisdom. Whether through independent thinking, collaborating in groups, or absorbing the teachings from mentors, all paths lead to the enchanting destination of enlightenment. Solving each puzzle is akin to conquering a formidable challenge, with laughter and a sense of achievement rippling through pupils’ hearts, and their thinking and logic ascend to new heights. 




G3 Extension: Kangaroo Math


Maths is like a brilliant adventure, from calculations and geometry, to application questions and numerical puzzles, numbers and symbols are like stars, embellishing the profound thinking space of pupils. In the world of mathematics, infinite mysteries can satisfy students' endless pursuit of knowledge, and rigorous mathematical logic can benefit pupils for a lifetime.. 






When everyday items like paper cups, pencils, and rubber bands enter the laboratory, how might they undergo a magical transformation? The STEM club bestows these ordinary items with a different scientific significance. Collaborating with peers, pupils create ball-launching devices, profoundly understanding the principles of projectile motion and explore the mysteries of angles and speeds. 



Creative School Activity


In this world full of inspiration, nimble hands and intelligent minds work together, where the beauty of art and the precision of technology complement each other, giving rise to limitless possibilities. Creative school activities are like a feast for the soul. Participants freely explore the mysteries of art, transform their imaination into reality, witnessing the wonderful convergence of imagination and beauty. 






Pupils gather around tables, holding paintbrushes, their focused gazes reflecting the vibrant colours of the ceramics. Each stroke of the brush is a depiction of dreams and fantasies; each piece of work is a free expression of personality and style. From past history to the present day, decorative and functional ceramic products, creativity comes to fruition here, and beauty blooms here too. 




FOBISIA 'Track to Success' - A Civil Engineering Design Challenge


Utilising laser cutting machines, 3D printers, polishers, and other tools, pupils create vivid and realistic props from abstract patterns to meet the needs of drama performances. From macro street scene layouts to micro details like trees and benches, their design skills and aesthetic sense flourish in the combination of technology and art. 



Community School Activity


In the vibrant campus, pupils support and cooperate with each other in community campus activities, like a harmonious piece of music. Community campus activities are like bridges, bridging loneliness and barriers, connecting hearts tightly, and gaining resonance and belonging through teamwork, and gaining growth and warmth. 




Gardening (beginner) : Gardening Art


Pupils gently turn the soil, planting seeds of hope. In their gardening school activities, they learn patience and mindfulness, observing tender sprouts breaking through the earth, experiencing the magic and beauty of nature. Each leaf and each flower tell a lovely story of growth shared between gardeners and their plants. As they get closer to nature, a deep love and respect for life quietly blossoms within the hearts of these young gardeners. 






In the baking school activity, pupils engage in a conversation with ingredients. Amidst the pancakes and sausages, they taste the joy of creation and the aroma of growth. This is not merely a school activity but a world of imagination, where every stirring and baking journey turns ordinary ingredients into miracles.  



Physical School Activity


Youthful steps accompany the rhythm of summer. Every drop of sweat reflects the light of dreams, and every smile tells the beautiful story of persistence. The shimmering lake surface in the afternoon mirrors the power of youth, and the agile figures on the ice rink manifest the charm of youth. There are no wins or failures, only unchanging vows and an undying passion. Sports is one of the most touching poems among school activities. 






On the sparkling ice rink, pupils glide like joyful swallows across the surface, their radiant smiles reflected accordingly. Ice skate blades carve graceful traces as they pass, each mark filled with hope and each laugh bubbling with joy. Pupils not only build physical fitness but also gain precious friendships and unique memories in ice-skating training centre. 






On the rippling waters of Xiang Lake, the rowing boats are like arrows racing forward, breaking the afternoon tranquillity. The rowers move in unison, their oars paddling through the water with the grace of feathers, creating beautiful arcs with their powerful strokes. The fusion of lake water and sweat bears witness to the harmony between humanity and nature, to the passion and fearlessness, and to the youth and courage.