Message from the Principal
This week we were delighted to welcome Ms. Joy Qiao, founder and chairman of the Wellington China Education Group, to our school. She shared with the new staff of Wellington Hangzhou Campus the vision and mission of the Wellington China Education Group: to create a caring, international community that develops well-rounded individuals with strong values and the skills to thrive within an ever-changing world. We also reviewed the year's developments and challenges with all staff and looked forward to an exciting future. It has inspired us to continue contributing to providing high-quality bilingual education for Hiba pupils.
Ms. Qiao also invited parent representatives from Wellington College Hangzhou for a friendly chat to discuss the group's support for the school and the campus achievements in the past academic year. In the fifth year of its development, Wellington College Hangzhou celebrates an excellent quality of education and outstanding IGCSE results. In addition, it has provided confidence that our students will be attending excellent universities in two years. The parents also raised some questions and suggestions on education and teaching assessment, university pathways and home-school communication. They looked forward to more opportunities to communicate with Ms. Joy.
Next week will be an excellent opportunity for parents to learn more about each school division's curriculum. Please pay attention to the specific information sent by each school division. We look forward to parents actively participating in this information session to support their children's development in the new school year.
Ivey Wang
Principal of Hiba Academy Hangzhou
Sixth Form Matters
9月22日(周四)下午3:15至4:00,我们将举办“榜样的力量”系列嘉宾讲座之“走进牛津”。本期讲座嘉宾是牛津大学物理系学生Molly Hammond。Molly同学已经完成第一年的学业,将为学生和家长分享自己的高中学习和生活,所做的申请和面试准备,以及在牛津大学的学习生活。作为Molly同学曾经的老师,我为她的成就感到自豪,更对她未来的发展充满期待。
We will be hosting a session with Molly Hammond, a University of Oxford Physics student, on Thursday, 22 September. From3:15pm–4:00pm. She has completed the first year of her studies and will begiving a presentation on what she did during high school, how she prepared for her application and interview and what life is like as a student in Oxford. Asa former student of mine, I am proud of Molly's achievements so far and am excited to see what lies ahead in her future.
To access this online session, please scan the QR code below. This presentation is open to Grade 9 and 10/Year 10 and 11 pupils with parental permission. Please contact Selma Sun for further details.
Hatty Leung
Head of Sixth Form
Junior High Matters
Sharing our curriculum and allowing parents to ask questions regarding their education is the focus of the next two weeks in Junior High. Curriculum evenings for all grades, alongside an opportunity to meet the homeroom teacher, are available for parents to attend. We will also send out our curriculum documents which give further insight into each grade's learning format through Junior High.
Laura Perry
Head of Junior High
Upper Primary Matters
在惠立,我们致力于为学生提供尽可能多的可能性,去探索更广阔的世界,培养更多元的能力。校园活动(School Activities,简称SA)作为惠立小学课程体系的重要组成部分,也是落实“全方位教育”理念的一个窗口。
At Hiba, we are committed to providing pupils with as many opportunities as possible to explore the wider world and develop their holistic abilities. As an essential part of the Hiba Primary curriculum, SA(School Activities) is also a window to implement the concept of "well-rounded education".
Starting this week, our pupils begin to participate in their preferred SA courses every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. This year's SAs are as splendid as before. Apart from helping pupils develop knowledge systems in different subject learning, our teachers are also dedicated to improving their comprehensive ability in practice, sports, charity, aesthetics, collaboration, leadership, criticism and expression.
Both Eastern and Western cultures are treasures in the history of human beings. In the Upper Primary SAs, a wide range of choices allow our pupils to expand their international horizons, such as London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (LAMDA) drama, English public speaking and French for beginners. We have also offered ample opportunities to enhance pupils' cultural confidence, such as Chinese dance, Chinese chess and traditional embroidery.
Alice Wang
Assistant Head of Primary
Lower Primary Matters
At Hiba, we always strive to develop our five characteristics in our pupils, and one of these is Inspired. As a new member of the SLT team, I have been impressed by the way that our Lower Primary staff are striving to inspire learners in our school, we want to educate children, but we also want them to take their learning to a deeper level and to continue to enjoy learning about new things throughout their lives. The ability to be inspired by thoughts and ideas is something that can be taken later into the workplace, where modern companies are often looking for employees who can draw on broad experiences but who can also link ideas and think flexibly enough to provide answers to problems which might not be apparent using a traditional means.
Inspiration is an openness to new ideas – a writer who observes a person in the street and uses them as the inspiration for a book, an artist who sees colour in nature and replicates it for their masterpiece.
It is also the people we meet every day, and for children, this can be their friends or role models such as parents, older children or teachers. It is our duty as adults – both parents and educators- to try to show children what they can be and aspire to, whether in how we conduct ourselves and speak to them or through our passions and talents. In the primary age, examples of inspiring children can often be seen through learning based on a story or a child's interests. A child who is inspired and enthusiastic will consistently achieve more when led by a talented educator, and the scope for the teaching is much more significant and profound.
Sophie Brookes
Head of Early Years and Lower Primary
Performing Arts Matters
"Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without." – Xun Kuang (better known as Xunzi, a Chinese philosopher of Confucianism)
Performing arts is at the heart of the well-rounded education we proudly offer at Hiba Academy Hangzhou. Working with parents and teachers, we ensure our pupils access excellent opportunities to develop a love for the arts.
Our performing arts SAs have now commenced. Over 280pupils work with our skillful and talented teachers across the campus every week, developing skills in music, dance, and drama.
We are excited to host our first piano competition at Hiba Academy Hangzhou this year. We are requesting pianists of all levels to start practising and polishing their skills to participate in this event. Save the date for Thursday, 17 November.
At Hiba Academy Hangzhou, we currently offer piano and violin lessons with two outstanding visiting teachers. You will shortly receive information about the application process. Please note that we offer these lessons mainly to pupils in boarding and those who live close to school.
Finally, we know that our pupils also participate in competitions and events outside the school. Please feel free to share with us any participation and successes. We want to celebrate and recognise the efforts of our pupils and their passions.
Alejandro Montoya
Director of Performing Arts