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The Arts

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At every stage of their educational development, we encourage our pupils to tap into their creative potential, take risks and explore new artistic approaches. Our Art and Design facilities empower them to do just that. We offer state-of-the-art facilities for clay work, painting, sculpture, printmaking, drawing, textiles and even 3D printing. Plans are in the works to develop facilities for print and lens-based media as well. Pupils have full access to the latest technological tools and platforms, like iPads and ICT Mac suite. Opportunities abound for our pupils to develop their work alongside passionate and creative professionals and to display and view work in our many exhibitions. 
The Performing Arts
Our Performing Arts department aims to make pupils more confident, communicative and empathetic through the study of music, drama, dance and theatre. Taught and run by top industry professionals, our state-of-the-art facilities enable our pupils to get a near-professional experience in all their creative endeavours. There are also opportunities to get involved in the production and technical aspects of running performances and concerts. 
At Huili  your child will have endless opportunities to learn about and make music. It is available in all curriculums, from primary up to IGCSE. In class, we provide a rich experiential environment for our pupils to discover the essential joys and benefits of music. Paid one-on-one instruction is available in a wide variety of instruments ranging from traditional to modern as well. Pupils are also encouraged to learn music composition and production with the help of industry-standard technologies. Additionally, they may further cultivate their talents through our co-curricular activities programme, which offers musical theatre, choir, orchestra, rock/jazz band, DJ group and much more.
An education in drama has countless benefits. It teaches creativity, communication and teamwork — essential skills in any career. It also teaches historical and cultural appreciation and allows pupils to examine fundamental human issues through an expressive medium. At Huili School Hangzhou, we offer instruction in drama for all year groups. We provide a safe, non-judgmental environment and encourage full participation. Our annual calendar of plays and musical theatre productions ensure that our pupils will have ample opportunities to showcase their talents.
Dance combines physical skill with strength and conditioning. It is a powerful outlet for expression and a medium for telling stories. Dance is also an avenue through which pupils can learn about other cultures. Pupils who study dance at Huili develop meaningful concepts of self, human relationships and physical environments. More importantly, they gain self-confidence as they learn the value of practice and discipline. We offer classes in a diversity of dance forms, from ballet to hip hop, for pupils in a variety of year levels through our CCA/SA program. Opportunities for live performance are available throughout the school year as well.