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A growing mind and body require energy to function at their highest potential. That is why we choose Sodexo, the market leading food service company in Greater China, as our catering services provider. Our menus are designed for optimal nutrition and a healthy caloric intake. We try to appeal to a wide variety of tastes and preferences with daily Chinese, Western and other options like Italian food, vegetarian meal. Pupil safety is priority number one at Huili. Out of consideration for the health and safety of all pupils, Huili also strives to maintain a nut-free environment. 

School Clinic

To ensure the safety and wellbeing of all our pupils and staff members, Wellington College has a thoroughly equipped school clinic operated by fully qualified nursing professionals. Our nursing team are on hand full-time to administer first aid and, when needed, any authorized prescription medications your child may require.


We also depend on our nurses to help us promote and maintain a safe, healthy learning environment.  


For the convenience of our pupils and parents, we provide a daily school bus service in cooperation with Hangzhou Xiaoshan Changyun Bus Co., Ltd. Our service for most living area of Hangzhou are covered. 


Each bus is supervised by a School Bus Monitor, who is responsible for pupils’ safety and wellbeing during the journey, as well as managing the children’s behaviour. We aim to provide all pupils with safe and comfortable transportation experience. Pupils of Huili school can apply for school bus service. According to the regulations of the Education Bureau, pupils of Huili Nursery cannot apply for school buses.

Huili School Hangzhou has a mandatory uniform policy. Our school uniform is an expression of the Huili identity. It promotes a sense of pride in our school and fosters solidarity among our pupils. Pupils are expected to present themselves in a neat, clean and professional manner at all times.
We occasionally experience poor air quality in Hangzhou. Therefore, to ensure that our pupils can learn in a safe environment, we monitor AQI data from Chengxiang Town, Hangzhou as it is the closet station to our school. We review the AQI twice per day at the beginning of the day, and before lunch. The readings are then e-mailed to all staff, so that the appropriate measures in the table below can be implemented.