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A Wellington education extends far beyond the walls of the classroom. Our pupils are encouraged to discover their interests and pursue them with passion. We provide them ample opportunities to do so with our comprehensive co-curricular activities (CCAs), our Wellington Academy Programme, academic and athletic competitions, off-campus excursions and the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. 


 Co-curricular activities


Co-curricular activities (CCAs) offer pupils a wide range of activities that we sometimes refer to as the ‘extra curriculum’ which are there to offer more wide ranging experiences for the children in our care. These may range from educational trips, visitors coming into school to talk with our pupils, musicals or other performances, sports activities or such. The CCA programme is central to the educational philosophy at Huili School Hangzhou, providing essential additional experience to pupils.

School activities

Core to the CCA programme are our School Activities (SAs). These activities take place at the end of the school day and offer pupils a wide range of choices that allow them to extend and challenge their own learning and development, whilst also creating opportunities to nurture talent and foster excellence in fields beyond those that are encountered in the exam hall. Whether it be learning French, making Lego creations, exploring dance styles, applying strategies in board games, testing fine motor-skills or composing musical scores, the School Activities programme provides the essential building blocks that develop well-rounded children with many strings in their bow.  



Academy programme


Through our Wellington Academy Programme, pupils can supplement their education and athletic skills with coaching and mentorship from our select partner organisations. Held on evenings and weekends, this paid after-school programme offers a diverse selection of courses in sporting, language and cultural pursuits. Pupils can take courses in dance, acting, football, swimming, creative writing, martial arts and much more. Every Academy instructor is a highly skilled practitioner, driven by a love of their subject and a genuine desire to inspire the pupils in their care.