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Wellington Hangzhou outperforms top schools worldwide

07 Sep 2022




As schools release their annual GCSE results Wellington College Hangzhou are thrilled to announce that we have outperformed numerous international top schools worldwide. The UK average of A*-C grades was 73% compared to our own results of 93%.





In addition, our A* results of 59% were significantly higher than top international schools in both Thailand (49%) and the Middle East (ranging from 30-46%). These results place Wellington College Hangzhou firmly in the top rank of schools worldwide and offer our pupils opportunities of a lifetime in universities and future careers.


We are proud to be achieving the same higher-level results as our sister school in Tianjin and we now look forward to following their success with university places for our pupils at prestigious universities worldwide.

We are also delighted to share the results of our partner school, The Wellington College in the UK, who achieved 62% A*. They are our role model, and we continue to work alongside them to celebrate further successes.

Master of Wellington College Hangzhou, Mrs Kathryn Richardson followed the pupil progress very closely over the past two years and was always confident that our bilingual pupils would excel in these examinations. She is now looking forward to following their journey through the A Level program and into top universities.