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Huili School Hangzhou pupils win World Scholar's Cup awards

02 Nov 2022

At Huili School Hangzhou, part of our vision is to develop well-rounded individuals where academic excellence is our top priority. Therefore, we are proud to announce that our very own Huili Hangzhou World Scholar's Cup team has earned three trophies and 11 medals in their recent participation in the "2022 China Online Global Round". Well done to Andy J, Jerry L, and Alex M, who earned trophies for 2nd place in the ever-competitive team collaborative writing category and 3rd place in the team debate; and, a particular well done to Andy J, who was a "Writing Champion", earning a trophy for 2nd place in the Writing category. These outstanding results demonstrate our pupils' English learning progress, leadership, and team spirit, which will be an excellent addition to their future university applications. Meanwhile, it motivates more of their peers to be inspired to improve their performance, showcasing the positive learning environment for our pupils at Huili School Hangzhou. You may view our scholars' total outstanding achievements below:


This term marks our second year running The World Scholar's Cup as a School Activity, directly supported by our Head of Secondary English and an English teacher from Wellington College International Hangzhou. The World Scholar's Cup is an international academic competition described by the founder as a "celebration of learning" that combines rigorously challenging academic knowledge with fun-filled activities to encourage and embed a genuine love of learning. This is a global competition with over 70 host countries and over 140 cities – including several cities across China. Over 50,000 pupils participate annually in this rigorous and competitive competition. This term marks our second year running The World Scholar's Cup as a School Activity, directly supported by our Head of Secondary English and an English teacher from Wellington College International Hangzhou. 

Every year features a new theme, with 2022's overall theme being "A World Renewed". The competition centres around pupils being able to answer big questions across six subject areas: History, Science, Literature, Art and Music, Social Studies, and a topical Special Area. It is a wide platform where participants practice their English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, meet friends from around the world and cooperate with them. It also offers many opportunities for critical thinking, expanding cultural literacy, and all those other 21st-century skills needed for pupils to become future leaders. 


The competition requires pupils to work in teams of three, competing in four different tasks. Pupils must express themselves by participating in debating and collaborative writing, the scholar's challenge - a 120-question multiple choice quiz, and the scholar's bowl - a team quiz. Competition weekends are focused on making learning fun, and they do other activities such as the "Un-talent show". They may also earn medals and a soft toy alpaca through their participation. Scholars develop their language and 21st-century skills through competing and making memories to last a lifetime. 


Delivered in various rounds, ranging from regional to global, the prestigious final competition entitled "The Tournament of Champions" is held annually at Yale University and brings the best and brightest pupils from around the world together. Last academic year, each of our seven scholar teams that participated in the regional round qualified for a global round. We are pleased with how well our participating scholars performed in the "China Global Round". This competition has become a highlight of their academic life and a window for experiences beyond classrooms. Let us hear what different experiences our pupils have gained from this competition.


Jerry L: "I have learned the importance of teamwork. When we work together as a team, we achieve superior results. The ability of an individual could never overpower a well-organized team."

Andy J: "What I enjoy about WSC is that it has given me a chance to practice the skills which I have learned in reading in creative writing, which is quite enjoyable."

Alex M: "I think the key to our success is incredible teamwork. I’ve learned how to work in a team and improve my English. Therefore, I sincerely thank our English teachers for giving us this opportunity to achieve glory."