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Group Interview What is boarding like at Ming House?

29 Mar 2024


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Wellington College has a deep tradition of boarding; it is an extension of our educational model and central to becoming a Wellingtonian. In China, there is also a long tradition of boarding provision, which extends back to the time of Confucius. At Huili School Hangzhou we seek to bring together the very best boarding practices to create an environment in which our pupils thrive. Our pupils will enjoy a rich and varied programme in a safe and supportive environment that serves as a family away from home. 


This week, we invited three boarding pupils from Huili School Hangzhou - Andy D, William L, and William Z to share their experiences of boarding at Ming House, their thoughts on boarding life, and their advice on learning and living for prospective boarders. Through the perspectives of these young boarders, we can find out more about their journey of growth as boarders at Wellington College Hangzhou. Ming House is a preface to their university lives and a starting point for their exciting future endeavours. 


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Can you tell us a little about yourself and when your boarding life began at Ming House? 





Andy D: I am a founding pupil at Wellington College Hangzhou, and I have been in Ming House since 2018. So far, I have spent more than five years boarding here. 


William L: The three of us are in Grade 10 and share the same class. I moved into Ming House in August 2019, and have been boarding here for approximately four years. I have made many like-minded friends here and we have shared countless memorable experiences in learning and growth. 


William Z: I joined Ming House a little later than the other two. I became a boarder in early 2020. Interestingly, I used to share a room with William L who is next to me.   







What are the daily routines of boarding life? What activities are particularly interesting for you? 





William L: The boarding life in Ming House is vibrant with a diverse array of activities that cater to our unique interests, ranging from regular activities such as basketball, badminton, football, and self-learning to KTV sessions. As for me, I find the Design and Technology lessons on Wednesday evenings the most enjoyable as Mr Lance Hu guides us in the creation of handmade crafts using a variety of design techniques. 


William Z: Upon returning to Ming House from class at 4pm, we have an hour of free time before attending prep session from 6:00 to 7:30pm. Additionally, Ming House frequently hosts various festive celebrations and dinner parties, providing opportunities for socialising with peers from different grade groups. Through these interactions, we can learn from and share with each other, enriching our lives with diverse perspectives and experiences. 


Andy D: At Ming House, we have ample free time and well-organised bedtime routines for different grade groups to ensure all boarders are well-rested.  This system of staggered bedtime routine prevents overcrowding and noise, and promotes a conducive learning and living environment for boarders. Such an environment has helped me to better prepare myself and start each day with a positive attitude. 







As a boarder, how do you feel this lifestyle has positively impacted your studies and life? 





Andy D: Boarding has alleviated the hassle of commuting and concerns about traffic or unforeseen circumstances that could cause me to be late. I can enjoy a longer sleep and wake up easily every morning, thus reserving more energy for studying and daily activities. In contrast, some non-boarders may risk being late due to uncertainties on the road, while we boarders can start each day with peace of mind. 


William Z: Boarding has given me the chance to build deeper connections with my schoolmates and cultivate lifelong friendships. Engaging in group activities in the evenings has allowed us to get to know one another better and develop strong emotional bonds through shared experiences. Furthermore, being a boarder prepares us for the transition to university life abroad, as many pupils at Wellington College Hangzhou aspire to study overseas. 


William L:  I would like to add that boarding life has supported us in establishing a healthy daily routine. At Ming House, we follow a daily routine with teachers' help in time management, which enables me to manage my studies and life more efficiently. Unlike what might happen at home, where I might stay up late and then wake up late, boarding life has taught me self-discipline and increased my productivity, laying a strong foundation for my future academic pursuits and daily life. 







How do you get along with your roommates? How do you work together to maintain the dorm environment as boarders? 





Andy D: We value and understand the different personalities and habits of each roommate because everyone has their own way of life. Itis vital to respect your roommate's schedule and use of space, as well as expressing your ideas and needs at the right time.  


William L: I agree. Whether it is dorm cleanliness or trivial issues in learning and life, I always take the initiative to communicate with my roommate and discuss potential solutions. Through communication, we can tackle problems promptly while building mutual understanding and trust. 


William Z: New boarders need not worry because the teachers at Ming House place significant emphasis on our well-being. They prioritise our studies and lives while regularly organising various activities to make us feel at home. Consequently, we cherish the time spent with our roommates and work towards achieving our common objectives. 







Have you encountered any challenges as a boarder? How did you overcome them? 





Andy D: At first, I found managing my time quite perplexing. Boarding life introduced me to numerous new academic and non-academic commitments, making it challenging to balance studying with adequate rest and leisure. However, with the support and patience of my boarding teachers, I gradually acquired efficient time-management skills. I created a comprehensive schedule and adhered to it diligently, leading me to strike a better balance between my learning and life. Consequently, I have become more productive and able to complete my tasks efficiently. 


William Z: I can relate to that, and Iam sure it stands true for many boarders. Boarding seems to be a crash course in independence; it compels us to learn how to manage ourselves and serves as an opportunity for us to establish and enhance our priorities for greater efficiency.  


William L: Besides time management, how to socialise with others was also a significant obstacle for new boarders. Building relationships in an unfamiliar environment with unfamiliar faces was certainly challenging, but we have since made interesting friends and gained confidence in communicating with one another. Miss Piper, our Boarding Mistress, has granted us ample freedom to pursue our interests, so we have this genuine sense of being at home.  







What advice or experiences would you like to share with pupils considering becoming a boarder?





William L: If you live far away from school, have difficulty with self-discipline, or have high expectations and standards for yourself, then boarding may be an option worth considering. Being a boarder allows you to concentrate more on your studies and reduces the inconvenience of commuting. Also, boarding allows you to have closer interaction with your peers, which can lead to stronger friendships and a deeper understanding of each other. 


William Z: Adapting to a new environment involves more than just mental preparation; you also need to consider practical aspects. It's a good idea to make a list in advance of daily hygiene products, learning materials and other necessities. But don't worry too much if you forget something because the school is quite accomodating. Besides, bringing along personal items like stuffed animals or small decorations can help you feel more comfortable and feeling at home in your new surroundings.  


Andy D: It’s important to socialise and don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone because Huili has an exceptionally welcoming atmosphere for newly joined pupils. Take an active part in various activities to make new friends and develop your communication and cooperation skills. Also, remember to look after the shared facilities. 

