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Be you. Be Outstanding. Meet 2024 graduating pupil Hanni

10 May 2024




A free-spirited adventurer or a thorough thinker? Can these seemingly conflicting traits be found in one individual? 


After Hanni received her  twelfth offer, we once again looked back at her growth over the years. Hanni, a soon-to-be university student heading to the United States, is someone who has navigated these two identities perfectly.  


If she were to be labelled, Hanni would prefer to be known as an adventurer rather than a top student. 


"Wellington College Hangzhou has inspired me to become a curious adventurer, with a zest for life and eagerness for knowledge. Having an open mind towards infinite possibilities is the belief that propels me to move forward." 


Returning from a successful adventure, you will find in retrospect that her every step laid a foundation for her victory. 



When Hanni first started at WCCH


As one of the founding pupils of the Wellington College Hangzhou, Hanni cherishes every moment that helped her to grow. She holds herself to high standards. Even after achieving a TOEFL score of 110 and 8 A*s in IGCSE,  she maintains her curiosity about everything and proactively participates in various competitions, cross-disciplinary activities, school activities, and student council, instilling her unique energy in the school community. 


Being an articulate pupil, Hanni loves to share her insight fluently and smoothly on every topic raised. However, she sees herself as an INFJ with a ‘social phobia’ and other anxieties. Nevertheless, she always finds a way to overcome them with calm and positivity. 


Despite her ‘social phobia’, she warmly welcomes and gives feedback to all exchanges of ideas, and she is attentive to others. This is how she operates at Wellington College Hangzhou, so for us, she is a gentle, caring, and empathetic soul. Over these six years, she has served as swimming captain, music ambassador, and Head of College, taken on various responsibilities, received an academic scholarship, and conducted a one-to-one campus tour for the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge. In various school events, she has fully demonstrated what it entails to be a pupil leader. 



Hanni gave Professor Cardwell,  

Pro Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge, 

a tour of our campus


One interest Hanni has always explored and cultivated is public speaking. Thinking back to the 2021 Summer Carnival, she became an unexpected host and felt nervous because of the lack of preparation. Although her performance was not perfect that day, her music teacher was encouraging and recommended her to host the winter festival. Feeling inspired, Hanni continued to practice and became more confident in expressing herself in public. 


“What truly impressed me was the encouragement I received, which allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and express myself freely in public. I felt extremely proud to have realised that every opportunity to play the piano on stage, participate in sports, or lead my peers contributed to my growth and increased my confidence and resilience.” 


This girl is well-versed in the rules of the world and is always willing to step beyond her own boundaries. She has obtained strength from the world and hopes that she can use such strength to empower more people. 


"Looking back on my time as the swimming captain, whenever my teammates felt that the fatigue of training was overbearing or felt discouraged from losing a fixture, I always encouraged them and redoubled my efforts in training. I led by example, demonstrating sportsmanship and inspiring my teammates to maintain their morale." 




"How have you become your remarkable self of today?" 


Many would pause when asked to introspect, but the seventeen-year-old Hanni delivered her answer within a few seconds. She must have contemplated this question through her experiences as a pupil leader. 


"Our dynamic school environment has shaped me into an inclusive and adaptable person. I delve into the logic behind new things rather than rejecting them outright. Such a way of thinking is crucial for adapting to an ever-changing society. Diverse perspectives allow us to understand the world more comprehensively because respecting different viewpoints is essential for intellectual growth as well as a matter of etiquette." 


Leadership, peer influence, and community impact - the attributes that university admissions officers are looking for have been fully demonstrated by Hanni with the support of Wellington College Hangzhou.  




Hanni has had a clear plan for her university course from an early stage. While many of her peers were a bit lost as to course selection, Hanni had already embarked on a focused study in economics and business. 


She noted that economics is a discipline with vast dimensions, extending beyond the mere concepts of supply and demand to serve as a tool that spans multiple fields. She finds immense joy in data exploration and analysis and is keen on gaining a deeper comprehension of the economic dynamics in the complex global economy. 


Hanni is also interested in business because of its tangible link to the real world. Her fascination with commerce was first ignited by her family's business, knowing that founding a company is not merely about financial gain but also about making a meaningful contribution to society. 


"I genuinely want to improve the world we live in." 


This aspiration has endowed Hanni with a perspective that transcends her years.  




What also impressed us was Hanni's application essay. 


While many might boast about their own accolades or tailor their writings to meet the demands of the university and course they're applying to, Hanni took a different approach. She began with a recount of a disheartening experience at a school piano competition, softly delivering her insights and understanding of failure, and eloquently narrating her life philosophy. 


"The outlook on life I carry was not shaped in a day. It's deeply rooted in my upbringing and the nurturing I received at home. Raised in a cutthroat educational system, I am immensely thankful to my parents for allowing me to explore extensively. They have encouraged me to venture and falter, to explore the world, and to be always positive. This has been what they want to see in me." 


"Looking back on my childhood years, I was often out surfing or hiking rather than attending training institutions. Much like my unadulterated love for music, I was free to practice the art of calligraphy, unburdened by the pressure to claim accolades in these domains. This has cultivated in me an enterprising spirit, always on the quest to explore new horizons and push the boundaries of my abilities. Such a spirit is the cornerstone of mydedication to academic pursuits; for me, unearthing the joy in study has always come naturally." 


As part of WCCH's first graduating class, what message would you like to leave for current and future students at our campus?  




Decide your major earlier, so you have more time to prepare. Your personal statement can be more detailed and demonstrate your enthusiasm for this field.


Be brave, do not be afraid to receive a rejection. You might regret not giving it a try. 


Encourage everyone to communicate with senior pupils, so that they can understand the school better. 




As the interview drew to a close, we thought of one more question: 


"Do you consider yourself as lucky?" 


"In terms of my family, I've been graced with fortune, and I'm deeply thankful to my mum and dad." 


"I am not sure whether it is my own aura or sheer luck, I can't think of any individuals or incidents that saddens me particularly. That must qualify as being blessed." 


"I think I have a knack for convincing and comforting myself, always seeking the silver lining." 


Time and again, Hanni concluded her answer with the notion of luck. She feels the pulse of the world through details, cherishing every gesture of goodwill and giving back in kind. She possesses a keen self-awareness.  


Indeed, such a journey might just be a stroke of fortune. Yet, luck is often a modest phrase used by every optimistic and industrious soul when looking back on their path, it's clear that it's about more than just luck.  


We're also convinced that what Hanni stretches for is far beyond this. Music, academia, athletics, voyages... her life is filled with small goals and details, all navigated by her capable hands.  







Time has taken away this young girl's innocence, but left the core values of Wellington deeply rooted in Hanni's heart - "Kindness, Responsibility, Respect, Courage and Integrity". The six years of campus life in Hangzhou has been a wonderful prelude to her career as a global citizen. We believe that these core values will accompany her to excel herself and move forward in the wider world.


To date, Hanni has received 12 offers from world-renowned universities, including the University of Melbourne, the University of Sydney, and Boston University. She is still waiting for admission news from other top universities, we look forward to more good news for her.



Sherley Zhao

Lead University Counsellor


Dear Hanni, 


I am thrilled to have witnessed your growth over the past two years, to the joy and pride of all educators. I hope that during this graduation, you will also take time to celebrate yourself, not only for the excellent admission results you have achieved but also for the difficulties you have overcome along the way. 


Despite having an absolutely outstanding academic performance, you are not just the stereotypical "good student". You possess not only a curiosity for scholarship but also a rich inner world, a tenacious spirit, a love for the art of living, concern for the community and a sense of social responsibility – these are the highlights I see in you. During the past you struggled with exhaustion from academic exams and language scores, in those nights and weekends when we brainstormed online and revised your essays over and over again, what I saw was the more mature and determined you that would emerge from these experiences. I look forward to seeing you shine in your chosen field. 


In the next phase of your life journey, you may still experience the early hours in a college library rushing for deadlines, or the loneliness while walking through snowy streets in a foreign land. Just like your high school days, your other teachers and I cannot grow for you, but we can accompany you on this part of your growth journey, to light a lamp for you in your dark hours; and in the future, your own light will be sufficient to illuminate your path ahead. I believe that in college, whether you continue to deepen your understanding of business or embrace unexpected twists and turns, the comprehensive qualities and abilities you have accumulated in high school will be the force that propels you forward. 


To conclude, my hope for you is to fearlessly meet the infinite possibilities of life. May you maintain your passion for seeking knowledge, and may you have the freedom of unconfined thought. I hope you remember your companions now, as you have all grown together from adolescence to adulthood, and include teachers like me who are always willing to guide you. You also have parents who love you unconditionally. With a lighthouse ahead, companions on the side, and support behind you, please pursue your dreams with confidence! 


Dear Hanni, happy graduation! 




Chloe Zhang

Economics and Business Teacher


Dear Hanni,   


I am truly honoured to be your economics teacher. There's no greater joy for an educator than witnessing pupils weave learning into the fabric of their lives. Whether it's in the classroom or beyond, you've always been eager to share with me your latest reads, intriguing financial videos, or the nuances of the stock market depicted in a TV series, along with your reflections and questions. This mutually complementing teaching and learning is the epitome of a teacher's bliss. 


As we bid farewell, I want to let you know that your graduation is more than a finale; it's the dawn of a new chapter in your life and a fresh voyage of learning. Reflecting on the past, you've been such a good learner for diving into the abstruse financial theories and a substantial reading list, all of which have served as the nutrients that have fed your intellectual growth. You've approached every course assignment with diligence, be it An Analysis of The Social Costs and Benefits of The Asian Games In Hangzhou, A Contrastive Study of the Social Development of India And Japan, A Look Into the Types of Unemployment and Policy Measures, or A Study of the Causes and Impacts of Trade Deficits. You’ve delved into the minutiae of learning wholeheartedly, and your warmth and generosity towards your peers have won you friendships and respect. 


Now, as you prepare to set sail for your academic pursuits in the United States, the journey ahead is bound to be challenging. However, I have no doubt that your voracious appetite for books, solid academic foundation, and kind nature will light up your path. These attributes will serve as your beacon, guiding you to find your place in a new environment, to engage in fruitful exchanges with peers from across the globe, and to grow together. Your open-mindedness will enable you to embrace the world's diversity, your exemplary study habits will propel you forward, and your kindness and enthusiasm will unlock many doors for you. On the journey that lies ahead, no matter what the challenges are, remember that every stumble is a badge of growth. 


I wish you continued success as you pen new tales of achievement in the United States, staying true to your roots and relentlessly chasing your dreams. Wherever life takes you, may your passion for learning and thirst for knowledge remain unquenched. In that faraway land, may you remain inquisitive, keep discovering, and enrich your life with new experiences. Cheers to you, for a promising future. Believe in yourself, for you hold the key to crafting a bright chapter of your own.