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每周快讯 | The Week Ahead



Message from the Principal


一轮明月,寄思古今,相信惠立社群的家庭都度过了一个祥和、喜乐的中秋佳节。上周,中小学部组织了中秋主题的相关活动,学生们徜徉在传统文化的氛围中, 体验、庆祝中国的传统节日,并立志成为中国文化的传承者。

The full moon symbolises family reunion in China. I believe that all members from our Huili community had a joyful and restful holiday. We arranged Mid-Autumn Festival related activities last week for both Primary and Junior High. Experiencing the cultural atmosphere, pupils celebrated the traditional Chinese festival and became the ambassadors of Chinese culture.


Experts from Wellington College China Institute of Learning (IoL) visited Huili School this week. Participating both inside and outside the classrooms, they provided constructive feedback for teachers on curriculum development and instruction to further improve our teaching at Huili. Meanwhile, internal lesson observations have also started. We will follow the school development plan for this academic year and continue upgrading pupils' academic achievements and comprehensive skills.

今天,学校举行了惠立学校学生培养路径的信息分享会,初中部部校长Ms. Laura Perry 女士和高中部主任Ms. Hatty Leung女士为家长们介绍了学生在惠立学校,尤其是在初中高段和高中阶段的课程模式及培养路径,为家长们对学生的家庭教育规划提供相关指导。

We arranged a ‘Pathway through WCCH’ session for parents today. Ms. Laura Perry, Head of Junior High, and Ms. Hatty Leung, Head of Sixth Form, introduced the curriculum for Junior High and the Sixth Form to help parents deepen their understanding of our pathways and provided guidance on their child’s education.


Looking forward to more exciting activities next week.



Ivey Wang

Principal of Huili School Hangzhou


Sixth Form Matters

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Planning to study abroad can be a daunting task. There are lots of questions to consider such as: 

  • 我想去哪个国家学习? 

    which country do I want to study in? 

  • 我想去院区和设施散布城中的城市大学还是集所有设施于一体的校园大学? 

    Do I want to study at a city or campus based university? 

  • 学校的规模或大或小,对我会有影响吗?

    Would I be happier at a large or small university? 

  • 我每周会有多少节课? 

    How many lectures will I have per week? 

  • 国外的课程是怎样的?

    What is a lecture like?  

  • 国际留学生能够获得哪些帮助? 

    What support is available for international students? 

我们很荣幸能够参加英国文化教育协会组织的一系列网络研讨会,同学们能通过这些活动提前了解大学的学习生活。下周二的主讲人是来自基尔大学的Aneta Hayes博士,他将围绕“身份”和“多重自我”主题开展讲座。我们的学生中,不少将在一个国家长大,筹划着出国留学,未来还可能去往更多的国家。越来越多的人已经开始不将自己的身份局限于单独的一个地方。我们欢迎惠灵顿杭州校区的所有学生积极参加这次讲座,探索 “身份”这一流动和变化的概念。 

We are privileged to have access to a series of webinars run by the British Council where lecturers are providing high school students a taste of studying at university. The featured lecturer next Tuesday is Dr. Aneta Hayes from Keele University. She will be addressing the idea of ‘identity’ and ‘multiple self’. Growing up in one country with the aim to study abroad and possibly making more international moves is a path that many of our pupils will follow. The idea that we only identify with one location is becoming less common. All pupils from Wellington College Hangzhou are welcome to attend the webinar and explore the idea that identity is fluid and changing. 


The event will run online at 7:00pm, please use the QR code to sign up. 

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Hatty Leung


Head of Sixth Form


Junior High Matters



Although it has been a shorter week this week, we continue to drive forward and ensure that every minute counts in Junior High.  Prior to the holiday, I do want to acknowledge the outstanding performances for our Mid-Autumn Festival assembly, once again an example of the fluid transition between Chinese and English that our pupils are able to easily achieve, with high quality poem recitals, readings, singing and dancing. 


In addition to this the opening of our new art gallery took place.  The quality of work that our pupils achieve and the dedication of the time and energy that they put into their art, ensures that their work is truly a work of art. This year we would like to make more partnerships with our local community and how art may form part of the networking with our community. We look forward to sharing future developments with you in this area. 


We enjoyed our Junior High parents joining us today for our IELTS and TOFEL parent workshop. Parents were keen for us to share the differences and benefits of these qualifications and what support the school offers pupils in terms of these qualifications.


Laura Perry


Head of Junior High


Upper Primary Matters




China is a large family of 56 ethnic groups whose interaction and evolvement have made our culture extensive and profound. Huili School Hangzhou is committed to help pupils become global citizens proud of their Chinese roots, who will inherit and carry forward the excellent Chinese culture and grow into outstanding bilingual talents with a sense of cultural identity and social responsibility.


To celebrate the upcoming National Day, our primary (G3-G6) will have an event day themed “Ethnic Costumes” on 30 September. We encourage all pupils to wear different traditional Chinese ethnic costumes on that day to demonstrate the charm of traditional ethnic costumes with confidence as a way to promote Chinese culture.


Your support as parents is essential to the success of activities in school and the progress of pupils. Here are a few things we would like you to help our pupils with:


Assist your children to choose an ethnic group that they belong to or are interested in, explore and investigate the group at home and share their findings in class.


Assist your children to make or prepare a traditional ethnic costume.


Ask your children to wear the costume to join the celebration on 30 September (Please remind your children to bring their PE kit if they have PE lessons on the day).


We sincerely thank you for your great support.



   Tracey Zheng

Head of Primary


Lower Primary Matters

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我想在此与您分享更多学生学习方面的信息,希望这个每周“快照”能帮助我们更好地了解学生真实的在校学习过程——学生的刻苦、老师的期许以及我们共同克服的许多挑战。 希望这些也能给您的生活增添更多的快乐。 本学年,我们的开学非常顺利,在开学的短短几周内,学生们取得了许多显著成绩,我们为此感到无比自豪。

My goal is to share compelling and relevant news and information to deepen your knowledge about our journey. I hope that this weekly ‘snapshot’ will be a venue for capturing the authentic experiences of our pupils – their hard work, our aspirations, and the many challenges we conquer. I hope to also delight you with moments of inspiration, joy, and sheer delight. It has been a remarkable start to the year, and we could not be prouder of our many accomplishments during the first few weeks of school.


Huili School Hangzhou supports our pupils to realise their full potential not only in academic excellence, sporting, artistic and social skills but to instill  a spirit of self-confidence, a desire to serve the wider community, an international outlook and an enthusiastic attitude to work and life.

感谢为 “AliCare Shoebox Appeal!Help Malawi Orphans!”项目做出贡献的每一个人! 亲眼目睹我们的学生如此热切地为他人提供帮助,把关爱填满每个鞋盒,对周围世界的关注逐渐增强,这真是一段非常暖心的经历。 我要向 Angy Patarroyo老师表示最诚挚的感谢,感谢她将这个项目带到了我们小学部低年级社群,并为我们提供了学习同理心、学习善良以及学习如何用有意义且相关的方式进行慈善的机会。

Thank you to everyone  that contributed to the AliCare Shoebox Appeal! Help Malawi Orphans! It has been a heartwarming experience to witness our pupils so eagerly stepping in to assist, the care that has gone into each shoe box, and the awareness of the world around us awakening in each one of them. I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to Ms. Angy Pataroyo for bringing this project to our Lower Primary community and for providing us with the opportunity to learn about empathy, kindness and how to be charitable in a meaningful and relatable way.

Conrad Botha


Head of Early Years and Lower Primary


Sports Matters

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This week several fixtures took place at Wellington College Hangzhou (WCH). The first was the WCH U12 tag rugby team competing against Basis school. This was their first fixture of the season. The score ended 8-8, both the coaches and team players identified areas for improvement for future games.


On Thursday the WCH U14 girls football team competed against local school from Guali. The girls played incredibly well and the final score was a 2-1 win. This was a great result and puts the team in a positive position for their upcoming tournament in October.


On Saturday we will see the first swim meet of the year take place against Hangzhou International School. A detailed report will follow next week.

Nathan Witter


Director of Sport