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School Activities | Supplement Academic Excellence

15 Sep 2021

Education is not limited to the classroom and homework. School Activities (SAs) are a supplement to the academics offered during the school day. They are key to the successful development of a child. They help to build confidence, enhance communication skills, aide collaboration, develop time management and improve self-motivation. 

At Huili School Hangzhou, we are proud of our identity to inspire our pupils, giving them a zest for life, to be inspired and to inspire others in the future, to be intellectual having the abilities to think critically and engage in deep learning, to be independent and overcome challenges, to be a unique individual and to be an inclusive global citizen.

Huili School Hangzhou has an enviable array of school activities (SAs) on offer to pupils, with additional provisions been offered each year. This year is no exception. Further STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and languages are now available to provide pupils with the opportunity to enter competitions locally, regionally and within the Wellington College China group of schools.


Our sport provision and training has been enhanced to provide pupils with further opportunities to compete in a range of sporting activities. The sports teams achieved some excellent results last year that will continue with further commitment and dedication this year.  

Performing Arts

The annual production offers performing arts enthusiasts the opportunity to excel both front and backstage. Pupils work collaboratively, all stepping out of their comfort zones to provide what can only be described as an outstanding production. Pupils learn about the audition process, competing for a role, commitment to learning lines, lyrics and the technical requirements of lighting and audio, all key skills required in the creation of a professional production.

Coding with Python

Coding with Python provides pupils with the opportunity to explore coding using robots, gaining insights into coding as a firm foundation for the future. The learning process enhances pupils’ abilities on advanced loops, sequencing and logic reasoning. At the end of the last academic year several the pupils entered logic-based competitions and gained gold certificates for their entries. These experiences offer lifelong skills as the global society moves from technology achievement to the next coding robot and AI will be at the forefront. 


LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts) was introduced to the SA programme last year and has attracted more pupils this year. Nine committed and dedicated pupils gained well-earned distinctions in their summer 2021 examinations. This was an excellent achievement after just one year. In the United Kingdom great prestige is given to pupils who have gained certificates in this field. LAMDA examinations develop a pupil’s ability in a range of skills such as reading fluently, expanding vocabulary to improve their self-expression, improving confidence in speaking and listening, creating and defending arguments. It also encourages pupils to develop a love of literature, poetry and drama and improves standards of communication through the spoken word. 




During the summer, state of the art competition fencing equipment was installed at the school in response to the number of pupils opting to pursue the sport. Training is now underway to prepare for future competitions. 

Prestigious universities place high credence on pupils who apply with both academic excellence and additional skills offered through our school activities programmes. Huili School Hangzhou develops outstanding pupils who will be successful far beyond their educational journey at the school.