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Let’s party at the Spring Fling

22 Apr 2021

Spring is nature's way of saying “let's party”.

- Robin Williams


When the long-awaited spring falls with infinite seasonal charms, it was high time for Huili pupils to party on campus. They made kites, built tents, baked cookies, climbed rock walls, and practised archery. These were only a glimpse of the various spring activities we held for the exhilarating Spring Fling last week. 



Following the footprint of the beautiful spring, Huili pupils learned from real life experiences as inspired and independent individuals. Let us hear how they felt about the week.


Betty Q, grade 6


The week was all about spring. I can feel that spring has come to every corner of our campus. We learned about the invention of kites and their history, and how to design and produce one. It was the first time that I made a kite, and how rewarding it was.



George Z, grade 4


I participated in many interesting activities, such as learning how to pitch a tent in the wild.  Seeing a tent rise from the ground, my friend and I were filled with a sense of achievement. Of course, my favourite activity was climbing the rock wall. I liked it because I had to overcome my fear and challenge myself.




Dora G, grade 6


I experienced archery, rally run and tug-a-war during the Spring Fling. I also learned some survival skills like how to start a fire with sticks in the wild. All these activities needed to be done by ourselves, so I learned many new skills. I also felt closer to my friends after working together.


Coco H, grade 8


The Spring Fling has “liberated” us from our busy learning schedule and inspired us to find our interests and talents that were not observed before. I was most impressed by the baking activity because I enjoyed a similar school activity (SA) before. We baked the food from the very beginning to the end all on our own, and my practical skills were enhanced through the process. It was such a meaningful and rewarding experience.



Joey Z, grade 9


During activity week, I have learned a lot of things. I was in the promotional video group and our project was to make a video for De house. It was not an easy task, because we had not learned anything about photography previously. However, in the activity week, school invited some professional teachers to come and teach us different photography skills. During the activity, we worked as a group, we helped each other and supported each other. Finally, we made an awesome video.


Learning at Huili is not restricted to the classroom. As is said, “the best classroom is roofed only with the sky”, so we encourage our pupils to explore and find inspiration from nature and keep their learning enthusiasm. After a brilliant week, our teachers spoke highly of how Huili pupils engaged in different activities. 


This week has been an exciting week for all our primary pupils. The Spring Fling activity days have enabled pupils to experience our holistic education with a focus on the great outdoors. Across the three days, over 500 pupils have enjoyed more than 600 organised sessions with 50 activities. These activities have made links to our curriculum areas such as English, maths, science, PE, music, and art. Pupils had the opportunity to participate in activities such as archery, team building, vegetable planting, skipping competitions, kite making and lots more.



It has been great to see so many happy faces around campus this week, not just from the pupils but the teachers too. It demonstrates the importance of making cross curricular links between subjects, learning outside the classroom and giving pupils the opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge in practical activities.

- Charlotte, grade 6 leader


I was deeply impressed to see how creative and proactive our students were during the activity week. In designing clothes for a fashion show, they learned from the professionals about how to operate a handheld sewing machine and technologies, like screen printing and shirring. All their efforts were done as a team. How imaginative and original their work was. It was also wonderful to see that our pupils are proud to be a member of their respective houses.

- Carina, housemistress of Li House


The students from Junior high have enjoyed a very special week. Within their houses the students took part in different projects including garden design, Huili board game, house promotional videos, house T-shirt design, Huili cookbook and many more. Throughout these projects the students worked across grades and therefore created new friendships and bonds with students younger and older than them. Well done to all the students who took part in activity week.

- Jack, housemaster of De House



The Spring Fling is a practice of the holistic education ethos of Huili. It embodies our aspiration to offer rich learning experiences in real life situations for Huili pupils. As the saying goes, “a year’s plan starts with spring”, let us seize the opportunity and enjoy the terrific spring days.